Reprinted with permission
Dear Zatoun friends,
Label designs considered in June 2003
In spring 2003, with the first glimmer of a vague idea to use Palestinian olive oil to connect Canadians and Americans to Palestine, Zatoun, yet nameless, was born. The intention was to avoid words and images to reflect or speak for Palestine. The challenge was to find something tangible from Palestine to speak to the heart and soul of people in North America. They in return contributed tangibly to the livelihoods of farming families and the larger economy. Zatoun has managed these many years to do just that with the help and the irresistible goodwill of old and new supporters. Thank you.
It was Passover-Easter in April 2004, when the first batch of 1500 bottles was offered for sale. It disappeared in three weeks and people were clamouring for more. The voice of the people cannot be ignored and so a single-event project enters its 19th year. It has managed only with the help of scores of active volunteers and thousands of receptive buyers. Does turning 18 make Zatoun an adult? Yes and no - the youthful feeling is renewed with every harvest despite the oppressive and unrelenting hardships. The energy and generosity of successive waves of supporters keep it vibrant and evolving.
The year 2004 was a landmark as three organizations centred around Palestinian olive oil were founded at the same time not knowing about each other. In UK, Zaytoun was taking shape; in Palestine, Canaan Fair Trade was being formed to collect, press and bottle oil in Jenin; and Zatoun in North America. They have become partners and each continues to prosper. Canaan supplied olive oil beginning in 2005 and then began to bottle in 2006. The goal was always to have maximum value-added to Palestinians farmers, press operators and labourers. The case you receive is exactly how it departs Palestine. Quality and excellence in all aspects is critical to the message.
Early volunteer packing party in 2005
The goals of Zatoun have not changed: provide a livelihood to Palestinian farmers, connect North Americans to Palestine and build a market for Palestinian products. This could only be achieved with highly personal service aiming at more than product purchase. An Amazon or machine-automated approach would not do. An archaic digital process (copy and paste) across many applications, however cumbersome and prone to memory failures, ensures an intimate relationship with customers - who they are, their interests and sharing experiences. The cost is time, the benefit is meaningful connection.
We can see this in the recent price increase (first since 2008) which was readily accepted by supporters - one from MA wrote: The price increase is necessary, and quite fair. I only wish American corporations were as considerate of their customers as you are! In the last 5 weeks, Zatoun has received more orders than ever. People are just happy to have oil back in stock. An unexpected gift is that despite the higher price about 1 in 3 orders still arrives with a "Top-up" donation to help Zatoun stay sustainable - heartwarming and affirming.
This newsletter is focused on the story of Zatoun and sharing some of its early days. Across the many years there have been untold number of stories and connections made. And also losses, many early customers and volunteers have passed on - mixed with the sadness is the joy of sharing a meaningful mission and discovering together.
In closing, even from earliest days Zatoun has been embraced by so many that it could not be abandoned either then or now. At the same time it is more than support that has kept Zatoun going - it is the love and prayers of so many for the ideals of truth and justice for Palestine.
Thank you again and always for the trust, understanding, patience and friendship.
Warmest wishes for a loving, peaceable future.